Rovnovazka, o.s.
Rovnovážka (Equanima in English) is NGO established in 2011. Its main aim is to support equal opportunities in education and training, in personal, social and working life, with special focus on support of disadvantaged people (i.e. young undergraduates, young people from socially disadvantaged conditions, women, parents on parental leave, people taking care of dependent family member, older people, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, people living in remote
rural areas, etc.). The association supports equal opportunities by means of training, consultancy, mentoring, and coaching. We also act as job-placements mediators and job-mediators. We collaborate with various institutions and organisations on local, regional, and European level. Equanima provides trainings for the above-mentioned TGs while focusing on informal learning methodologies combining group and individual sessions. The second objective of the association is to support balanced development of the region of Ostra

APS Brainery Academy
The Social Promotion Association BRAINERY ACADEMY is a non-profit cultural association born in Udine, thanks to the will of a group of university students and volunteer professionals, from the world of business and education who came from different associations and felt the need to make available their knowledge and skills, acquired both in a formal and informal and non-formal way, for a wider audience. Courses are held to deal with and deepen different topics, mostly based on specific requests from the public. In this academic year the requests concern the study of foreign languages and the use of multimedia tools. Furthermore, conferences and debates are organized on current topics. The Association is active in planning at local, regional, national and European level by participating in numerous calls for adult education in a non-formal context; she is currently the leader of a European project, involving 7 countries, entitled: knowing and combating functional illiteracy.

E-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL GROUP is a certified Adult Education Centre and VET provider located in Greece. It was established in September 2003 with a focus on training VET and Adult Learners in skills that will be useful for future jobs. Our facilities occupy an area of more than 500 square meters in the very centre of Karditsa town. Nowadays, aside from the two owners, E-SCHOOL is manned with eight permanent managerial staff and over 50 teachers, as the circumstances dictate.
E-SCHOOL is accredited by the Greek National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance – EOPPEP (ID 2000112). Our commitment is to provide quality education and accreditation on the subjects we deal in and support our learners in developing skills that will ensure their smooth and successful transition into the labour market. The main objectives of our activities were and still are training. However, over the years, the services provided by E-SCHOOL has been extending.

Esquare is a research and educational organisation based in France, dedicated to the advancement of research and innovation. We promote the educational and consultancy activities, psychological and soft skills development of youth and adults in order to be able to adapt and to integrate effectively in a dynamic society. We aim to contribute to the society throughout lifelong learning in accordance with the current requirements of the labor market. We wish to enhance people empowerment, entrepreneurship, creativity, social inclusion and the acceptance of cultural diversity through intercultural learning. We help people to develop and execute their ideas and initiatives into concrete projects and we tend to develop their creativity, strengths and entrepreneurship skills. We adopt and implement various innovative initiatives in the field of formal and non-formal education, providing information, counseling, training to both young people and adult professionals.